This website provides an introduction into the natural history and conservation of the Santa Cruz Sandhills. The references and links on this page are designed to provide more information. If you have any questions, please contact the Sandhills Alliance for Natural Diversity (S.A.N.D.).
The Sandhills Conservation and Management Plan (McGraw 2004)
Recovery Plan for Insect and Plant Taxa from the Santa Cruz Mountains in California (US Fish and Wildlife Service 1997)
Recovery Plan for the Santa Cruz Cypress (US Fish and Wildlife Service 1998)
The Roles of Soil Type and Shade Intolerance in Limiting the Distribution of the Edaphic Endemic Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana (Polygonaceae) (McGraw and Levin 1998)
Conserving Orthoptera in the wild: lessons from Trimerotropis infantilis (Oedipodinae) (Hoekstra 1998)
Demographic Performance of a Rare California Endemic, Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana (Polygonaceae) (Kluse and Doak 1999)